Teaching and Mentoring

Teaching and Mentoring

Teaching and Mentoring

For the last four years I have been returning to Universidad Pontifica de Salamanca, where I learned design, to collaborate as a teacher in the Master on Graphic Design and User Interface, directed by my mentor: Juan Ramón Martín.

This is a great opportunity to keep myself up to date and in touch with the needs and aspirations of those who want to make a career of the same discipline that I enjoy and love.

I teach the module on mobile design where we cover several topics around the Design Guidelines of the main platforms (iOS and Android) and the impact that our designs end up having on our users and society.

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The Design Crawl

As part of the program for 2018, I participated in the creation of The Design Crawl. The intention was creating a field trip for the students to London where they would meet with relevant designers in the city in a day packed with talks and conversations about design.

The Design Crawl

As part of the program for 2018, I participated in the creation of The Design Crawl. The intention was creating a field trip for the students to London where they would meet with relevant designers in the city in a day packed with talks and conversations about design.

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Participants of the Design Crawl 2018


Hugo Cornejo, from Monzo

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Jorge Álvarez and Pablo Maroñas, from Designit