
Over 10 years of experience as UX and Product designer, 7 of which have been focused on mobile applications. I have covered the whole UX process including:

  • Creativity and idea generation.
  • Definition from raw concepts to product design.
  • Protoyping, wireframing, user flows, information architecture, interaction design and user testing.
  • Integration of brands with visual languages of native platforms like iOS and Android.
  • Efficient communication workflow between design and development teams.
  • Dealing with clients and stakeholders pitching ideas, gathering requirements and managing projects.

I create designs and products that:

  • Pivot on solving user's problems rather than feature lists.
  • Achieve intuitiveness by being easy to learn.
  • Avoid frustrations and are delightful in the details.
  • Hit an efficient balance between user needs and production budget.

Professional Experience 

Nov. 2019 - Mar. 2020; NTT Data, London (UK) - UX Designer (Freelance).

Project within the public sector for the "Money and Pensions service" consisting of the creation of a new site that unified three old ones in order to provide fair and unbiased financial advice. This site was developed with an implementation of the Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) as the CMS.

My duties in the project consisted of:

  • Working with UX and UI designers of the service to fill the gap between their work and the implementation of the developers.
  • Mapping and optimising main user journeys in the system
  • Designing the responsive website developed with AEM both for desktop and mobile according to the requirements of the GDS in terms of accessibility and test with users.
  • Developing the Information architecture of the site to make sure that the big amount of information covered is comprehensible and accesible.
  • Creating a design system that makes more efficient both the design and the production of current and future features.
Jan. 2019 - Jul. 2019; Sky, London (UK) - UX Designer (Freelance).

Hired as the sole designer for the Content Supply Chain, the internal tool in charge of managing all the Intellectual Properties and content managed by Sky in its journey through the system from the entry as just metadata, through rights management and up to the presentation in the customer facing services such as Now TV and Sky Q.

  • Working closely with business analyst and product owner to capture user’s and business’ needs to translate them into designs.
  • Implementing an efficient workflow that allowed to produce a design system and framework that ensured consistency and ease of implementation with the use of state of the art apps such as Figma.
  • Envisioning a design that integrates multiple features, originally intended for separated systems, into a holistic system that allowed to track the state of the different pieces of content through the internal Content Management System.
  • Eventually helping with little frontend tasks, developing over a framework implemented with Typescript and React.
Oct. 2016 - Oct. 2018; Cluster Seven, London (UK) - UX Lead.

Being the first designer in the company my responsibilities were:

  • In charge of creating an UX Design function for the first time in the company as the organisation shifted from an on-premise to a SaaS product.
  • Leading the design, from envisioning to implemented product of a desktop web app for versioning and tracking changes of critical Excel files.
  • Implementing an internship program for interaction design students.
  • Management of a design project regarding the creation of an UI kit for the company's products.
  • Definition of workflows for integrating design with a development team working in Agile.
  • Translating the GitFlow methodology to the design process through the app Abstract.
May. 2015 - May. 2018; Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Salamanca (Spain) - Lecturer on UX Design.

Contributor to the 'Masters Degree on Graphic Design and User Interface for New Devices'. Some of my duties there have been:

  • Teaching a course on mobile design. In it we would cover from general concepts of UX to the specifics of the design guidelines of the main platforms such as iOS and Android.
  • Mentoring and orienting students in the search of internships and job opportuinities once they finish the degree.
  • In 2017 opening an internship program in Cluster Seven for one of the students in the degree.
  • In 2018 creating "The design crawl", a day of conferences and meetup between stablished professionals in London and the students of the degree.
Jul. 2016 - Oct. 2016; Canonical, London (UK) - Lead UX Designer.

Lead UX designer for Ubuntu, a Linux Operating System. I made contributions on:

  • Cloud Backup and restore systems for the Ubuntu Phones.
  • Designing a Multi Display management system for Unity 8, the Ubuntu Desktop.
  • Envisioning and prototyping concepts and ideas on the convergence of a single operating system across multiple platforms and input methods such as smartphones, tablets and desktop computers.
Mar. 2016 - Jul. 2016; Biglight, London (UK) - Senior UX Designer.

I participated in the design of an ecommerce platform for Specsavers, a leading optics and eye health brand with presence in over 20 countries. My duties there focused mainly on user research, wireframing and prototyping of new ideas to build and test.

Feb. 2015 - Mar. 2016; Caplin Systems, London (UK) - UX Designer.

I worked on the UX of a suite of products for FX trading which are deployed across mobile and desktop web apps. I made contributions on:

  • Driving a design unification of multiple apps to ensure a look and feel that is consistent across all the company's products.
  • Structuring this UX system around a limited number of variables which allowed generating countless consistent themes by just adapting it to the colors of the client's brand.
  • Refining and enhancement of an app for FX trading on mobile devices, both for phone and tablets.
  • Providing solutions to complex problems on information architecture, interaction and motion design.
  • Finishing the UX with a solid visual design.

Entrepreneurial Experience

Sep. 2010 - Oct. 2014; Obture CODE, Salamanca (Spain) - Creative Director and UX designer.

Obture CODE is a digital producing company I cofounded with my three partners: Cristina Folgueral, Carlos Álvarez and Carlos Jiménez. We were specialized on the development of native mobile apps for Android and iOS platforms for customers that covered form advertising agencies in madrid to startups in need of an MVP. My duties there, covered:

  • Developing concepts and ideas to be pitched to clients and stakeholders.
  • Capturing requirements to define the needs and goals for the different projects.
  • Executing Product and UX design with its handover to the developers.

You can check De Pinchos, a case study in one of the more relevant projects we executed in this company.

Sep. 2008 - Nov. 2012; Obture.com, Salamanca (Spain) - Product designer.

Obture.com was the first project of the team that would later become Obture CODE. It was a startup that intended to create a sharing point and marketplace for amateur and professional photographers to share their best pieces. It got to over 60,000 photos, 5,000 users 1,500 daily users. My work here covered:

  • Leading the product design of this social network.
  • Full process from original concept to feature specification, wireframing, interaction design, visual design, testing and launch.
  • Continous, iteration-based improvement based on user feedback and web analytics.


  • 2006 - 2012: Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca - Advertising and PR Degree.
  • 2009 - 2010: Illinois Wesleyan University - 'IES Abroad' scholarship, taking courses on Graphic Design, Marketing and Creative Writing.
  • 2002 - 2010: Universidad de Salamanca - Computer Engineering Degree.